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National Peanut Board
2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 210
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 866-825-7946

The National Peanut Board (NPB) is a farmer-funded national research, promotion and education check-off program. Each of the 10 major peanut-producing states has a grower Board member and an alternate representative. One at-large Board member also represents all minor peanut-producing states. Board members are nominated by state producer organizations and appointed by the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).


National Pork Producers Council
122 C Street, NW, Suite 875
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-347-3600

The National Pork Producers Council conducts public-policy outreach on behalf of its 43 affiliated state associations, enhancing opportunities for the success of U.S. pork producers and other industry stakeholders by establishing the U.S. pork industry as a consistent and responsible supplier of high-quality pork to the domestic and world markets. NPPC’s mission is to fight for reasonable legislation and regulations, develop revenue and market opportunities and protect the livelihoods of America’s 67,000 pork producers. Public-policy issues on which it focuses are in the areas of agriculture and industry, animal health and food safety, environment and energy and international trade.


National Restaurant Association
1200 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-331-5900

The National Restaurant Association now represents more than 380,000 of those businesses - from restaurants and suppliers to educators and non-profits - and provides each one with the valuable resources needed to stay ahead in a fast-paced industry. Since 1919 we have been the restaurant industry's leading association and, together with the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation, our goal is to lead America's restaurant industry into a new era of prosperity, prominence and participation, enhancing the quality of life for all we serve.


National Turkey Federation
1225 New York Avenue NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-898-0100

The National Turkey Federation is the national advocate for all segments of the turkey industry, providing services and conducting activities which increase demand for its members' products by protecting and enhancing their ability to profitably provide wholesome, high-quality, nutritious products.


The Association for Dressing and Sauces
1100 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30342
Phone: 404-252-3663

The Association for Dressings and Sauces (ADS) represents manufacturers of salad dressing and condiment sauces and suppliers of materials and services to the industry. Its purpose is to serve the best interests of industry members, its customers, and consumers of its products through a governing body of a 16-member Board of Directors and 11 committees. The Association maintains an extensive technical and quality assurance program and a strong regulatory and legislative activity which includes assisting members in fully complying with all currently applicable labeling and container requirements. ADS consumer awareness activities are directed to users of industry products -- at home and in restaurants

Small Business Owner Resource Center


Articles on the Small Business Financing Sources, the Small Business Loan Basics, small business loans Checklist and SBA Loans are incredible sources of knowledge for the small business owner.



Credit Report and Credit Score Analysis, how to Read a Personal Credit Report and all about Business Credit cover the intricacies of credit and are required reading for everybody.



The Foundation Grant Directory is a free listing of sources for grants by state. Why not look if there is some free money out there for your business. Hey - you never know!



The Business Loan Application covers every item you will need in your loan package and tells you how to get approved for business loans.



Fire your loan broker and use our Free Business Loans Bank / Lender Directory to find every bank in the country lending to small businesses.



If you are looking to start a business - look no further.  Check out the Free Incorporation Guide discussion and the State Incorporation Resource Directory.

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